Source code for pycovjson.model

import numpy as np
import math
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class Coverage(object): def __init__(self, domain, ranges, params, reference): self.domain = domain.to_dict() self.range = ranges.to_dict() self.parameter = params.to_dict() self.reference = reference.to_list() self.type = 'Coverage' def to_dict(self): cov_dict = OrderedDict() cov_dict['type'] = self.type cov_dict['domain'] = self.domain cov_dict['domain']['referencing'] = self.reference cov_dict['parameters'] = self.parameter cov_dict['ranges'] = self.range return cov_dict
[docs]class Domain(object): def __init__(self, domain_type, x_values=[], y_values=[], z_values=[], t_values=[]): self.domain_type = domain_type self.x_values = x_values self.y_values = y_values self.z_values = z_values self.t_values = t_values self.referencing = [] def __str__(self): return 'Domain Type: ' + self.domain_type + '\nAxes:' + str(self.axes) def to_dict(self): domain_dict = OrderedDict() domain_dict['domainType'] = self.domain_type domain_dict['axes'] = {} domain_dict['axes']['x'] = {'values': self.x_values} domain_dict['axes']['y'] = {'values': self.y_values} domain_dict['axes']['t'] = {'values': self.t_values} domain_dict['axes']['z'] = {'values': self.z_values} if len(self.z_values) == 0: # domain_dict['axes']['z']= {'values' : self.z_values} domain_dict['axes'].pop('z', None) if len(self.t_values) == 0: # domain_dict['axes']['t']= {'values' : self.t_values} domain_dict['axes'].pop('t', None) domain_dict['referencing'] = [] return domain_dict
[docs]class Range(object): def __init__(self, range_type, data_type={}, axes=[], shape=[], values=[], variable_name='', tile_sets=[]): self.range_type = range_type self.data_type = data_type self.axis_names = axes self.shape = shape self.values = values self.variable_name = variable_name self.tile_sets = tile_sets def to_dict(self): range_dict = OrderedDict() range_dict[self.variable_name] = {} range_dict[self.variable_name]['type'] = self.range_type range_dict[self.variable_name]['dataType'] = self.data_type range_dict[self.variable_name]['axisNames'] = self.axis_names range_dict[self.variable_name]['shape'] = self.shape if self.range_type == 'TiledNdArray': range_dict[self.variable_name]['tileSets'] = self.tile_sets else: range_dict[self.variable_name]['values'] = self.values return range_dict
[docs] def populate(self, data_type={}, axes=[], shape=[], values=[], variable_name=''): """ Function to populate Range object with values """ self.data_type = data_type self.axis_names = axes self.shape = shape self.values = values self.variable_name = variable_name
class Parameter(object): def __init__(self, variable_name='', description='', unit='', symbol='', symbol_type='', observed_property='', op_id=None, label_langtag='en'): self.variable_name = variable_name self.param_type = 'Parameter' self.description = description self.unit = unit self.label_langtag = label_langtag self.symbol = symbol self.symbol_type = symbol_type self.observed_property = observed_property self.op_id = op_id def to_dict(self): param_dict = OrderedDict() param_dict[self.variable_name] = {} param_dict[self.variable_name]['type'] = self.param_type param_dict[self.variable_name]['description'] = self.description param_dict[self.variable_name]['unit'] = {} param_dict[self.variable_name]['unit'][ 'label'] = {self.label_langtag: self.unit} param_dict[self.variable_name]['symbol'] = {} param_dict[self.variable_name]['symbol']['value'] = self.symbol param_dict[self.variable_name]['symbol']['type'] = self.symbol_type param_dict[self.variable_name]['observedProperty'] = {} param_dict[self.variable_name]['observedProperty']['id'] = self.op_id param_dict[self.variable_name]['observedProperty'][ 'label'] = {self.label_langtag: self.observed_property} return param_dict class Reference(object): def __init__(self, obj_list): self.coordinates = [] self.obj_list = obj_list def get_temporal(self, *args): return self.TemporalReferenceSystem(*args) def get_spatial2d(self, *args): return self.SpatialReferenceSystem2d(*args) def get_spatial3d(self, *args): return self.SpatialRefrenceSystem3d(*args) def to_list(self): item_list = [] for elem in self.obj_list: item_list.append(elem.to_dict()) #print('Item list:', item_list) return item_list class TemporalReferenceSystem(Reference): def __init__(self, cal=None): self.type = 'TemporalRS' self.coordinates = ['t'] if (cal == None): = "Gregorian" else: = cal def to_dict(self): ref_dict = OrderedDict() ref_dict['coordinates'] = self.coordinates ref_dict['system'] = {} ref_dict['system']['type'] = self.type ref_dict['system']['calendar'] = return ref_dict class SpatialReferenceSystem2d(Reference): def __init__(self): = "" self.type = 'GeographicCRS' Reference.coordinates = ['x', 'y'] def set_type(self, new_type): """ :type new_type: str """ self.type = new_type def to_dict(self): ref_dict = OrderedDict() ref_dict['coordinates'] = self.coordinates ref_dict['system'] = {} ref_dict['system']['type'] = self.type ref_dict['system']['id'] = return ref_dict class SpatialReferenceSystem3d(Reference): def __init__(self): = "" self.type = 'GeographicCRS' Reference.coordinates = ['x', 'y', 'z'] def set_type(self, new_type): """ :type new_type: str """ self.type = new_type def to_dict(self): ref_dict = OrderedDict() ref_dict['coordinates'] = self.coordinates ref_dict['system'] = {} ref_dict['system']['type'] = self.type ref_dict['system']['id'] = return ref_dict
[docs]class TileSet(object): def __init__(self, tile_shape, url_template): self.tile_shape = tile_shape # List containing shape self.url_template = url_template def create_tileset(self): tileset = [] tile_dict = {} tile_dict['tileShape'] = self.tileShape tile_dict['urlTemplate'] = self.urlTemplate tileset.append(tile_dict) return tileset def get_url_template(self, val): self.val = val import re subject = self.url_template subject = re.sub(r"({).(})", self.val, subject, 0, re.IGNORECASE) def generate_url_template(self, axis_names): axis_names = axis_names if len(axis_names) == 1: url_template = '{' + axis_names[0] + '}.covjson' elif len(axis_names) == 2: url_template = '{' + axis_names[0] + \ '}-{' + axis_names[1] + '}.covjson' elif len(axis_names) == 3: url_template = '{' + axis_names[0] + '}-{' + \ axis_names[1] + '}-{' + axis_names[2] + '}.covjson' return url_template
[docs] def get_tiles(self, tile_shape: object, array) -> object: """ Function which yields a generator which can be leveraged to return tile arrays from an input array :param tile_shape: :param variable: :return: """ array = array self.shape = array.shape # print(self.shape) def step(b, dim, tile_indices): if dim == len(array.shape): yield (b, tile_indices) return tile_count = math.ceil(self.shape[dim] / tile_shape[dim]) for i in range(tile_count): c = b[tile_shape[dim] * i:tile_shape[dim] * (i + 1)] c = np.rollaxis(c, 1) tile_indices[dim] = i yield from step(c, dim + 1, tile_indices) yield from step(array, 0, [0] * len(self.shape))
def get_array_shape(self): print(self.shape) return self.shape